
Observatories of the Critical Zone in Africa: current issues and findings

Global changes are taking place on our planet. They concern the critical zone of the earth system, and occur at different scales. Their impacts on the energy and water cycles are already detectable, but how will these changes persist in the future and at which rate?

Three sesions will take place at this conference:

  • Long-term observation systems in Africa
  • Observations to understand and predict environmental processes and major climate cycles (in situ and remote sensing data).
  • What applications for development policies and training?





AMMA-CATCH observatory is 30 year old !

The AMMA-CATCH observatory invites you to an international conference on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. The expected participants are researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students and decision-makers.

November 12-14, 2018

Niamey, Niger



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